Which data visualization tool is best for your business?
Authored by John F Bremer Jr, Edited by Gina Bremer, Image by Ethan Norgard
Choices, choices, choices turns out to be a good thing when it comes to data visualization. When your business is ready to move beyond spreadsheets and embrace data visualization storytelling and data driven decision making, one of the first steps is figuring out which data visualization platform is the best fit for you and your business. The most popular platforms out there continue to be Tableau and Microsoft Power BI with Google Data Studio rising as a competitor. All three continue to improve and each has advantages that might make it the best choice for you. We’ve used them all and in the coming weeks we’ll dive a little deeper into key factors to consider in order to pick the best match. Here are some questions to start with:
Can you afford the premium price of Tableau and will you use the features that distinguish it from less expensive Microsoft Power BI or free Google Data Studio?
Do you already have staff who are skilled in using one of tools?
Where is your data? Is one of the tools a better match for visualizing data from your data store, like using Google Data Studio to visualize Google Analytics data, or using Tableau to visualize Salesforce data?
Who needs access? How are you sharing the reporting within your organization, or outside of your organization and which tool best supports your distribution needs?
Remember we’re here to help get you going. Contact us if you’d like to talk about data viz and get a better handle on your data visibility needs and your potential return on investment in adopting a data visualization strategy and tools.
Want to read more about why each company thinks they are the best choice?
From Tableau: Why choose Tableau?
From Power BI: Why Power BI?
From Data Studio: Welcome to Data Studio!