TC21 Viewing Party
We’ve moved in and are having party! We are excited to announce our first event. We are hosting a Tableau Conference 2021 in-person viewing party on Tues. Nov. 9 from 11:15AM - 1:45PM in our bright new waterfront office space down at the Bellwether in Bellingham.
We hope you will join us for the fun and excitement of Day 1 of Tableau Conference 2021! We’ll have the broadcast up on our big screen TV’s and we’ll have the coffee pot on. Our CEO and Founder Gina Bremer will share her insider perspective from her previous experience as a Tableau Conference presenter and Tableau Ambassador. We’ll share our LiftedViz vision for data visualization consulting and education and we’ll do our best to create some of that amazing in-person Tableau Conference experience.
So, what do we have in store for the day? We’ve picked a handful of sessions to livestream that should appeal to everyone, regardless of their Tableau experience or industry. Together, we will be learning:
11:30am Know Your Audience: Designing Dashboards with the End User in Mind
12:00pm Tableau Drilldown: How to Level Up in Tableau
12:30pm The Performant-First Approach to Designing Efficient Workbooks
1:00pm Tableau Speed Tips: Shortcuts and Tricks for All Skill Levels
Tableau Conference is a 3 day free virtual event this year (Welcome to Tableau Conference 2021 | Tableau Conference 2021) and we encourage everyone to participate on their own, but to kick things off we hope you’ll join us for a couple of hours the first day. We’re looking forward to meeting you and introducing you to our cool new design space!
This event is being co-hosted by the Bellingham Tableau User Group (BTUG) and TAGNW Analytics. Free. Open to everyone. All ages, experience, and expertise welcome. Similar to all other TAGNW in-person events: please come fully COVID vaccinated and respectful of social distancing measures. We follow guidance from the CDC and any local/event rules, as needed.